
Process video to generate personal highlights



Currently the TraceVisionSDK only supports filming soccer ⚽️ - more sports coming soon! 🏀🏐

There are 3 ways to use the TraceVisionSDK

Get the SDK and API keys

To start with the app you’ll need the TraceVision SDK binary framework and a pair of keys to initialize it. You can download the framework and find your keys in the developer portal

Adding the SDK

  • Download the binary framework from the developer portal
  • Unpack TraceVision SDK framework
  • Drag and drop it into your project

Initializing the SDK

Before you start doing any processing with the SDK you need to initialize the SDK with your API token and secret that you got from TraceVision by calling initSDK(token:secret:) called on the shared instance of the SDK. Initialization is asynchronous and can take some time to complete after the initSDK(token:secret:) is finished. Observe isSDKInited to know when you can start using the SDK.


You should initialize the SDK exactly once per app execution, so the good place to do it is in AppDelegate

class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
        // Initialize TraceVision SDK with your token and secret
        // This should be done only once when the app is launched
        TraceVision.shared.initSDK(token: "YOUR_VISION_TOKEN", secret: "YOUR_VISION_SECRET")

        TraceVision.shared.$isSDKInited.sink { inited in
            if inited == true {
                print("SDK is ready")
        }.store(in: &cancellables)